Friday 11 July 2008

Training in St Moritz

This week I arrived in St Moritz to get my autumn marathon preparations underway. It seems that all the world and their coaches are here preparing for Beijing so there is certainly a buzz about the place and plenty of people to run with.

The first few days are all about acclimatising. Just nice easy running while the body gets used to the thinner air at 1800m (6000 feet) altitude. Fortunately I'm used to 8000 feet in Kenya so Switzerland feels pretty good and I find that after 3 or 4 days I'm ready to start running faster.

Back at home the Olympic Trials are on this weekend and hopefully everyone comes through unscathed. Athletes enjoy a love/hate relationship with their national federations so I'm expecting some controversy and tantrums when teams are announced on monday ! Away from the main event one of the most talented and entertaining athletes in british sport will be doing his bit in Hexham. Dean Macey will compete in his first decathlon for 2 1/2 years in a bid to qualify. If there is one guy we would love to see on the plane its Dean !

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